Safe Harbor Behavioral Care was founded in 1996 by Erik Sundquist for the purpose of establishing a space where clients could enhance their mental health and personal relationships. Our vision is to make a lasting impact by bringing hope and healing wherever brokenness exists by providing clinically excellent, wholistic, mental health services. Our clinically sound mental health treatment has helped some 50,000+ unique clients to date.
Our team of 200+ clinicians specialize in creating a warm, engaging environment in which collaboration with clients combined with a strong clinical and knowledge base yields a greatly enhanced quality of life for thousands of clients every year. Each client is a very unique individual with whom our clinicians take the time and attention to understand and develop a customized treatment plan. Our conscientious leadership team of 10 and total administrative staff of 50+ people provide the necessary foundation from which to effectively serve all of our clients. This team provides clients with hope from the very first call to Safe Harbor right up until the moment that they are sitting with a trained counselor for their first counseling session with us.