The Client Thrive program is an evidence-based program for counselors that is exclusive to Safe Harbor. This program is a wholistic approach to client care that focuses on an empirically based, three-pronged practice intervention to enhance counselor performance which in turn yields positive client outcomes and the client to thrive. The Collaboration Badge is one of three legs of the Client Thrive Program. This badge indicates the clinician has completed the third and final leg of the Program.
Earning Criteria:
- Clinician must gain an understanding of how to correctly complete progress notes
- Clinician must gain an understanding of the purpose and goals of progress notes and treatment planning
- Clinician must gain an understanding of what should and shout not be included in therapy progress notes
- Clinician must gain an understanding of the strategies for engaging the client in the treatment planning process
- Clinician must gain an understanding on how theory guides treatment planning as well as knowledge on evidence-based best practices for the most common diagnoses
- Clinician must gain an understanding on reporting laws, how to correctly respond to a subpoena, as well as proper charting for legal considerations.
- Clinician must gain an understanding of the importance of the termination phase of therapy, the different types of termination, best practices in the termination process, the key elements that contribute to a successful termination, and how to integrate these into practice
- Clinician must gain an understanding of the ethical mandate for self-care, apply self-care knowledge to his/her own personal growth, and how self-care impacts client care
- Clinican must gain an understanding of how to implement best practices in coordination of care as well as how collaboration creates an opportunity for long-term relationships with clients and other professionals
- Clinician must demonstrate the ability to apply concepts on best practices in identifying changes and improvements on sample progress notes and treatment plans
- Clinician must demonstrate the ability to prepare for different types of termination by creating sample termination plans for discharge from therapy or formal referral
- Clinician must submit artifacts such as: generating a personal self-care plan, sample progress, treatment, and termination plans, reflection, and insights on learning material