The Client Thrive Program is an evidence-based program designed by Safe Harbor for clinicians to learn and implement an empirically based, three-pronged practice intervention to enhance client outcomes in treatment. The Connection leg of the program focuses on best practices in connecting with clients. Clinicians review Roger’s Core Conditions, focus on the therapy session itself, balancing the relationship with techniques and interventions, the integration of cultural and spiritual elements into therapy, and the therapeutic use of self-disclosure.
Best practices are measured through lead and lag measures from the clinician’s first contact with the client through the course of treatment.
Clinicians are awarded this badge after completing the second of three legs of the Client Thrive program, and producing artificacts demonstrating both knowledge of the material and how the clinician has implemented best practices for client connection.
Earning Criteria:
- Clinician must gain a full understanding of the importance of the core conditions on therapeutic change
- Clinician must gain understanding of how to not get lost in a therapeutic relationship without progress
- Clinician must gain an understanding of how to balance therapeutic focus (past, present, future)
- Clinician must gain insight into diversity in practice
- Clinician must gain knowledge on how to balance normative reactions versus pathology
- Clinician must gain strategies of exploring what the client wants, needs, and expects
- Clinician must identify the types of self-disclosure used in the therapeutic process
- Clinican must be able to compare and contrast the benefit versus risk usage of self-disclosure
- Clinician must gain an understanding on how to implement best practices in establishing a therapeutic relationship
- Clinician must be able to demonstrate knowledge and application of concepts from previous modules
- Clinician must demonstrate the ability to apply concepts on best practices in connection to a case conceptualization
- Clinician must submit artifacts such as: insight journals demonstrating key take-aways from the training (how it will be implemented in practice or validate what they are already doing in practice), a completed implicit bias assessment, a completed self-disclosure scale, and case analysis submission